“Beneath the Surface – EPA’s Bad Behaviors and its Questionable Future”
Apr 25, 2017
Frederic A. (“Eric”) Eidsness
“Beneath the Surface – EPA’s Bad Behaviors and its Questionable Future”

“EPA was founded as a “political agency” in 1970. Though the laws it administered were bipartisan, by the time of the Carter EPA (1976-1981), it had become a full-fledged political arm of the White House and has remained so under Democratic Administrations. By the time of the Reagan Administration, there was push back by states and the regulated community at the means, methods and attitudes EPA adopted to roll out environmental statutes. Today it is under assault by the Trump Administration and the Republican Party for functioning as a “administrative state” and overreaching its authority to reorganize our energy economy under the Clean Power Plan. Mr. Eidsness will diagnose EPA’s bad behaviors over the past 46 years leading up to today’s crisis of confidence in EPA and propose a solution”.

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