Sagebrush Rebellion - History & Current
Aug 05, 2014
William Perry Pendley
Sagebrush Rebellion - History & Current

Mr. Pendley will discuss the actions of what he calls “the most lawless administration in the history of the Republic,” the well-intentioned federal laws that have been distorted beyond recognition to the detriment of liberty, property rights, and economic growth, and the way Reagan addressed and resolved similar issues during his era and what he would do today.

During the Reagan administration, he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy and Minerals of the Department of Interior, where he authored President Reagan's National Minerals Policy and Exclusive Economic Zone proclamation.

He has argued cases before the Supreme Court of the United States as well as various federal courts of appeals. He won what Time called a "legal earthquake" when the Supreme Court ruled in his favor in the historic Adarand (equal protection) case on behalf of a Colorado Springs family business.

Mr. Pendley is the author of Sagebrush Rebel:  Reagan’s Battle with Environmental Extremists and Why It Matters Today.

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