The Presidential Election System and Current National Popular Vote Proposals
Jul 16, 2019
Robert Natelson
The Presidential Election System and Current National Popular Vote Proposals
Robert wii be reviewing the Constitution's system for electing the president. Most people think of this as merely the Electoral College, but it actually is a three tier system: (1) Each state chooses its presidential electors, (2) they vote for president and vice president, and (3) if necessary, there is a run off election in the House of Representatives for the president and in the Senate for the Vice President.
He will examine current proposals to elect the president by a simply popular vote plurality, which would have the U.S. adopt a system currently used only in Third World countries.


Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.


Constitationa scollar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.


Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.


Constitationa scollar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.


Constitationa scollar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.


Constitationa scollar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

Constitutional scholar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.


Constitationa scollar Robert Natelson will make the case for the Electoral College.

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